
MMSA Leisure is bringing back camping this year! πŸ•οΈπŸ”₯

Join us for a weekend at the Ghajn Tuffieha Campsite from the 15th to the 17th September for a weekend full of activities πŸ›ΆπŸŒ³πŸΊ.

Start forming groups of around 2-6 people πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈπŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ and think of an original name for your group!

An application form and further important information (price, food etc) will be out soon...including a discount πŸ€‘ with one of our sponsors to rent camping equipment!!

Participation is LIMITED to 80 people so in the meantime, SAVE THE DATE and form your groups.

You will hear from us soon πŸ˜‰

P.S: EVERYONE is welcome — so MMSA members can also invite friends who are not medical students πŸ–€

Thanks to Kirsty Collins for the media β€οΈ