
Welcome to the first ever Maternal Health Campaign by MMSA!

Have you ever wondered what kind of care is given to a pregnant woman? Or what she can and cannot do whilst she is pregnant? Or maybe if the father has any other role to play apart from being the supportive punching bag? 

Our first event for this campaign will be answering all these questions: a workshop for future doctors and midwives-to-be. A 15-minute talk will be given by 2 midwives and 2 gynaecologists (to be given a proper announcement later on), followed by an hour of SWGs (Small Working Groups) which will be led by the same speakers. This workshop will prepare you for future events related to this campaign.

We don't care if you're a fresher or graduating this semester, just keep the 20th of October free from 12pm to 2pm so you can join us in nALR (Biochemistry and Physiology building at University) and help us raise awareness about proper maternal health in the future.

See you there!

#MMSAmalta #SCORA #MaternalHealth

With the collaboration of: 
Organizzazzjoni Studenti Qwiebel
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology