

[SCOPH] [Healthy Lifestyles] [MMSA The Grid Team]

Hey guys!

This year, MMSA is forming its own team to take part in The Grid Sprint, which will be held on the 17th October. For those who do not know, The Grid is an obstacle course event which contains around 25 different obstacles and a bit of trail and road running in between. The obstacles vary from climbing over barriers, to crawling in mud baths. Should the participants be too tired any obstacle may be skipped, and one can walk should they need.

As MMSA, we are doing this event strictly for fun and not competitively. This means that we would enjoy the course as a team and maintain good team spirit throughout and will be able to help each other over obstacles. We would be training once a week, on Thursday evenings, and could possibly increase to twice a week in the future. The sessions will be led by Sam Fleri Soler and would consist of mostly jogging and body weight exercises and will mostly be held at the University Track. The sessions will not be too difficult, and would be adjusted to individual ability, so people of all fitness levels are encouraged to join. While this event is not a difficult one, some training is obviously needed so it is strongly recommended not to miss many sessions once you sign up. The sessions will be free of charge and participants would only be required to pay for their own ticket, but more information will be given once the team is formed.

You can sign up in the Doodle form below and you will then be added to a Facebook group, in which we would be able to communicate better from session to session. Should you need any more details about the event or the training, feel free to contact Michaela Abela, Alistair Gollcher or Sam Fleri Soler! Our first session will be next week, on Thursday 30th. I cannot wait to see you all there!


Sign up here!